Eco-friendly Packaging Tips

Consumers are being more aware of their shopping habits, and how industries are approaching sustainability.

With that, here are six environmentally friendly packaging tips for your business! 

1. Biodegradable tape and stickers
Tape and stickers are a great way to keep the packaging intact, but also add a touch of customization of you and your brand. Biodegradable tape and stickers can do just the same, but with a more positive impact on our planet.

2. Minimalist Design
Having simple designs can not only help you save costs on materials such as ink but also keeps the message of your business simple and easy to understand.

3. Mono-materials
Also known as single material packaging, using one material makes it easier to recycle the packaging for both the customer and the facility. 

4. Less packaging
While having business cards and other nice additions to your packaging helps personalize your business, there are other ways to customize your customers’ experiences with less material. Check out the next point for an idea!

5. QR codes

If you need more space for information that you’re not able to put on your packaging, QR codes are a great idea! There’s an unlimited amount of information that you could link to a QR code, all you need is a device that is able to scan it! 
6. Compostable packaging
Compostable packaging helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and also reduces our dependency on fossil fuels. On top of that, composting is great for our environment. It benefits plants, animals, and soil fertility.

Bottom Line
There has been a drastic change within these few years. Demand for change has been prominent through social media, digital media, and other mediums.

Depending on your location, field, and other factors, packaging and shipping can vary. Remember whatever option you choose, there will be customers willing to pay for environmental initiatives.

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